kota's memex


Often packaged as clang-tools. To understand your source code, clangd needs to know your build flags. (This is just a fact of life in C++, source files are not self-contained). By default, clangd will assume your code is built as clang some_file.cc, and you’ll probably get spurious errors about missing #included files, etc. There are a couple of ways to fix this:


This file provides compile commands for every source file in a project. It is usually generated by tools. Clangd will look in the parent directories of the files you edit looking for it.


For cmake you can generate this file by adding this flag: cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1

compile_commands.json will be written to your build directory. You should symlink it (or simply copy it) to the root of your source tree, if they are different: ln -s ~/myproject/compile_commands.json ~/myproject-build/


For non-cmake projects you can setup bear: https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear Make based projects are really easy: make clean; bear -- make

ccls also requires the compile_commands.json file, but has some more examples on their wiki: https://github.com/MaskRay/ccls/wiki/Project-Setup


If all files in a project use the same build flags, you can put those flags one-per-line in compile_flags.txt in your source root. Creating this file by hand is a reasonable place to start if your project is quite simple.