kota's memex

Go has really great sql support using it's database/sql package. It essentially provides a standard interface between your go application and the world of sql databases. There are of course some quirks and inconsistencies.

When using a specific database you'll need to select a database driver for the specific database you're implementing:

Generally, you just need to blank import the database driver to use it's init function, but read the documentation to be certain. Most people tend to use these slightly lower level database connection interfaces. If you're in an absolute rush and need something like an ORM these two packages seem decent:
https://github.com/jmoiron/sqlx https://github.com/blockloop/scan

Null values

One tricky bit is that SQL databases can have null values and go generally cannot. Say you have a table with a "title" column and one of the rows is set to null, parsing it to a string with rows.Scan() will fail:

sql: Scan error on column index 1: unsupported Scan, storing driver.Value type
<nil> into type *string

One solution is to use sql.NullString instead of string, but as a rule the best thing to do is avoid NULL altogether. Set NOT NULL constraints on all your database columns and use sensible DEFAULT values as necessary.


Calls to Exec(), Query(), and QueryRow() can use any connection from the sql.DB pool. Even if you have two calls immediately next to each other there is no guarantee that they will use the same database connection. Sometimes this isn't acceptable and you need them to be called in a particular order. To guarantee the same connection is used you can wrap the statements in a "transation" like so:

type ExampleModel struct {
	DB *sql.DB

func (m *ExampleModel) ExampleTransaction() error {
	tx, err := m.DB.Begin()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer tx.Rollback()

	_, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE ...")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = tx.Commit()
	return err

Transactions are super useful if you want to execute multiple SQL statements in a single atomic action. You must always call either Rollback or Commit before your function returns. If you don't the connection will stay open and count towards your maximum connection limit.