The package manager for kubernetes.
Lets you install rather complex kubernetes applications quickly and easily. For example if you wanted to setup mariadb, you would normally need to create a stateful set, secrets, etc. With helm you can just run two commands:
helm repo add bitnami
helm install mymaria bitnami/mariadb
creating packages
Packages in helm are called charts
. A chart is a directory of configuration
files, you can create the basic scaffolding with:
helm create myapp
Controls basic package info such as the name, description, version, and an optional list of dependencies.
Controls default configuration values for the package.
Files under this directory are treated as yaml templates. It uses go's templating language.
installing packages
Local directory install:
helm install myrelease ./myapp
Remote repository install:
helm install myrelease myrepo/myapp
Change values.yaml
helm install myrelease ./myapp -f custom.yaml
list packages
Helm actually has the ability to track all applications that have been installed
in the cluster using helm
helm list
upgrade package
helm upgrade myrelease ./myapp --set image.tag=1.16.1-alpine
rollback package
helm rollback myrelease 1
uninstall package
helm delete myrelease