kota's memex


It's an extremely well made vim plugin. You can use it with the new neovim lsp client. It's not a new neovim only plugin so there are alternatives, but none seem quite as polished yet:

https://github.com/ray-x/go.nvim https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter

format with go-fumpt

gofumpt is a stricter version of gofmt. It generally looks better and removes some pointless whitespace.

let g:go_fmt_command="gopls"
let g:go_gopls_gofumpt=1


<leader>tt tests the whole project or <leader>tf tests the function under your cursor.


<leader>tm or :GoMetaLinter runs a bunch of nice go linters on your project and shows the issues in a quickfix list.


Make your type implement an interface. Place your cursor on the type and run:
:GoImpl io.ReadWriteCloser or without needing to put your cursor on your type:
:GoImpl b *B fmt.Stringer


<leader>tc to toggle coverage or run the commands manually.


extract function

Select a region in visual mode and run :GoFreevars. The result contains all the variables that are free variables. You can use that information to refactor that block of code out into it's own function.


if err != nil {

fn -> fmt.Println()
ff -> fmt.Printf()
ln -> log.Println()
lf -> log.Printf()