kota's memex


github cli

Tips and tricks for the official github cli tool gh.


Pull request review from your text editor.


A python tool to sort "dependents" by stars.

mirror repos on github

First you need to create each repo on github. You can use the github cli with gh repo create or click through the buttons on the website.

Then for each of your repos you'd like to mirror add a github remote and push them to the new repo.
git remote add github git@github.com:kotajacob/rinth.git

If you have a little server you can setup a cron job to automatically pull your repos from their origin and push to the github remote.


# Strip all trailing forward-slashes '/' from
# the end of the string.

# Iterate over directories.
for dir in "$REPO_DIR"/*/; do
    [ -d "$dir" ] || continue
		printf '%s\n' "$dir"
		cd "$dir"
		git pull origin
		git push github