kota's memex


   ┌───────── commit -a ───────────>│
   ├─── add -u ──────>│── commit ──>│
   │                  │             ├─── push ───>│
 ┌─────────┐       ┌─────┐       ┌─────┐      ┌──────┐
 │workspace│       │index│       │local│      │remote│
 └─────────┘       └─────┘       └─────┘      └──────┘
   │<────────────── pull or rebase ───────────────┤
   │                  │             │<── fetch ───┘
   │<────── checkout HEAD ──────────┤
   │<─── checkout ────┤             │
   │<────────── diff HEAD ─────────>│
   │<───── diff ─────>│

git add

git branches

git fetch and pull

git reset and amend

git rebase

git stash

git diff

git tag

git ignore

git bisect

git worktree

git submodules



Very fast and simple email based git / project hosting site. Created by Drew DeVault.


A github style hosting site that doesn't suck. Occasional downtime though.


An interesting peer to peer git hosting system.


Code hosting site used by lots of the smolweb community.


The big crappy code hosting site. Useful for finding new libraries.


remove untracked files from the working tree

git clean -fd
Use -n for a dry run and -x to include "ignored" files/directories.

untrack a file

First add the file to your gitignore and commit the gitignore change then run git rm --cached file for each file.

cherry-pick from different repo

This is something I needed to do quite often for work. They have two separate repos. One is open source, the other is basically a closed source fork with some additional features. Pretty much every time you fix a bug you're expected to make a PR in both repos with the fix.

simple 1-off approach

In most cases the solution is really simple. Generate a patch file from the source repo of the last commit or several commits. Then change to the other repo and apply it with git am:

git format-patch -1 HEAD
mv 0001-commit.patch ../other-repo/
cd ../other-repo
git am < 0001-commit.patch

For git am there's the -3 option which attempt to do a 3-way merge if applying the patch normally fails and also --ignore-whitespace which ignores changes in whitespace in context lines if necessary.

quick fetch

Another option is to quickly fetch the remote branch into your repo and cherry-pick the specific commit hash you want: git fetch <repo-url> <branch> && git cherry-pick <sha>

additional remote

The more complex solution, but sometimes nicer (the merging tools for git am are a bit less powerful) is to add the other repo as a remote and then cherry-pick the commit you want:

git remote add other https://example.link/repository.git
git fetch other
git cherry-pick <first_commit>..<last_commit>
# You could even do a git merge other/branch if you really need...
git remote remove other

clone in a script

If you're cloning say, thousands of repositories, you'll probably hit a few that have been deleted or made private and github or whatever will prompt for a password. This will halt your whole script which is very annoying. To instead fail and skip these simply set this variable:



A basic commit style "guide".